Message from the CEO
Accessibility of Ontarians with disabilities is imperative to ETSM Technical Services and Aegis Custom Powder Coater’s core values. ETSM/Aegis believes that all customers, employees, vendors/suppliers and all visitors should be given equal opportunity when it comes to their experience and working relationship. At ETSM/Aegis, we care about equality in customer service, communication, employment, procurement and training and therefore endeavor to always improve our commitment and processes around these areas.
We are pleased to share our multi-year accessibility plan which outlines the organization’s vision for accessibility and how we plan on moving forward to ensure equal access and participation for people with disabilities.
Statement of Commitment
ETSM Technical Services and Aegis Custom Powder Coaters is committed to providing a safe, dignified, and welcoming environment for everyone. We understand that we have a responsibility to ensure equal access and participation for people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.
Providing an accessible and barrier-free environment is a shared effort with those in our community and, as an organization, ETSM Technical Services and Aegis Custom Powder Coaters is committed to working with employees, visitors, customers, suppliers, job applicants, and other stakeholders who enter our premises or access our information.
ETSM Technical Services and Aegis Custom Powder Coaters respects and upholds the accessibility requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”) and its associated regulations.
We are committed to ensuring our company’s compliance by incorporating accessibility legislation into our policies, procedures, equipment requirements, training, and best practices.
Our organization is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. This accessibility plan outlines the steps ETSM/Aegis is taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.
Our plan shows how ETSM/Aegis will play its role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.
Section One: Past Achievements to Remove and Prevent Barriers
This document includes a summary of the accessibility initiatives that ETSM Technical Services and Aegis Custom Powder Coaters has completed.
Customer Service
ETSM/Aegis is committed to providing customers and clients with publicly available customer service information in an accessible way, upon request. ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to create accessible customer service guidelines:
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a Customer Service Plan Statement
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a Customer Service Standards Plan
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a Customer Service Standards Policy
Accessible Emergency Information
ETSM/Aegis is committed to providing customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way, upon request. ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to accommodate people with disabilities during an emergency.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an Emergency Response for Persons with Disabilities Policy and Procedure.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an Employee Emergency Response Needs Assessment.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an Individualized Employee Emergency Response Information Form and an Individualized Emergency Emergency Response Plan.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an Identification of Potential Barriers During an Emergency Response Form.
Information and Communications
ETSM/Aegis is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities.
ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to ensure existing feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities, upon request, by:
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an Information and Communications Standards Policy to include a Participant/Customer Feedback Form
- Informing employees of accessibility policies
ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to make sure all publicly available information is made available, upon request.
- Inform the public that publicly available information can be sent in advance, and be provided in a different format, such as verbally or over the phone.
ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to make all websites and content conform to WCAG 2.0. Level AA.
- Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) website content posted since May 2018 meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at Level AA. Older content meets earlier versions of WCAG. Parts of the content meets Level AAA
Measures To Support Accessibility
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of this website:
- Include accessibility as a requirement for all web content. Content must meet WCAG 2.1 AA, and should meet AAA as feasible.
- Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
- Ensure content authors have accessibility knowledge and skills.
- Include accessibility as part of our mission.
- Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.
- Usability test with participants with disabilities.
Conformance Status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standard defines requirements to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. “Fully conforms” means that the content meets all of the WCAG requirements at the specified Level without exceptions.
This website content posted since May 2018 fully conforms to WCAG 2.1 Level AA. It partially conforms to Level AAA.Older content conforms to earlier versions of WCAG, for example, WCAG 2.0. Most of the older content is archived and will not be updated.
Compatibility With Browsers and Assistive Technology
Our website is designed to be compatible with assistive technologies and the last two versions of major browsers. In Internet Explorer 10 and in older browsers, some aspects of the website may not display optimally. The website is not designed for Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.
Technical Specifications
This website relies upon the following technologies for conformance with WCAG 2.1:
The following technologies are used to improve accessibility and the user experience for everyone: - JavaScript
Limitations and Alternatives
Currently access to YouTube may be required to view videos on this website (if applicable). Contact us directly to provide input on resources and documents in development.
Assessment Approach
Our company assessed the accessibility of this website by self-evaluation.
ETSM/Aegis is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to accommodate people with disabilities during recruitment and assessment processes and when applicants are hired.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an “Accessible Interviewing Checklist” to ensure accessibility is met for every applicant that informs ETSM/Aegis of accommodation needs.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed an “Interview Script Guideline” to ensure that the hiring manager/human resources informs applicants of the hiring process
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a “Notification to Applicants” to ensure that the hiring manager/human resources inform applicants of accessibility policies
- ETSM/Aegis has developed and implemented a “Recruitment Policy” to inform all hiring managers/human resources of accessibility policy and responsibilities during the recruitment process
ETSM/Aegis has taken the following steps to develop and put in place a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a “Return to Work Plan and Process” to outline the duties of ETSM/Aegis and the accessibility seeker during the process.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a “Functional Capacity Assessment Form and Job Task Analysis Form” for the accessibility seeker’s physician to fill out to inform ETSM/Aegis of accessibility requirements.
ETSM/Aegis has provided employees with the training needed to meet Ontario’s accessible laws.
Section Two: Strategies and Actions
Customer Service
ETSM/Aegis is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods and services to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.
- ETSM/Aegis has remained in compliance with our Customer Service Standards Plan.
- ETSM/Aegis invites customer feedback in writing, in person, e-mail or telephone as per the Customer Service Standards Plan.
- Details on customer/client feedback process has been presented in the ETSM/Aegis AODA Customer Service Standards Plan and in the AODA Customer Service Plan Statement.
Information and Communications
ETSM/Aegis is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. We will consult with people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs.
- Collect information from employees verifying their disability. Ongoing.
- Multi-year accessibility plan (revisited Nov 2021)
- File compliance report (Dec 2017)
- File compliance report (June 2021)
- We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of our website. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers by contacting us directly or by utilizing the process in our Information and Communications Standards Policy, available upon request.
ETSM/Aegis is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
ETSM/Aegis will take the following steps to develop and put in place a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability.
- ETSM/Aegis will ensure that the individual accommodation plans will be implemented and followed-up when an employee informs ETSM/Aegis of accommodation needs.
- ETSM/Aegis has developed a “Disability Accommodation Policy” which outlines the diverse and inclusive workforce where employees have equal and fair opportunity to participate, contribute, and advance in the workplace.
- ETSM/Aegis developed an “Individual Accommodation Plan” questionnaire which gives the accessibility seeker and ETSM/Aegis the opportunity to discuss the accommodation needs.
ETSM/Aegis will take the following steps to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are taken into account if ETSM/Aegis is using performance management, career development and redeployment processes.
- ETSM/Aegis will conduct performance management to ensure that the accessibility seeker has been accommodated and to ensure the employee is able to perform their job.
- ETSM/Aegis will ensure during career development that the employee is aware of accessibility policies and accessibility needs are met.
ETSM/Aegis will take the following steps to prevent and remove other accessibility barriers identified.
- ETSM/Aegis’ management team will ensure that all employees are trained and updated on any modifications to the accessibility policies.
- ETSM/Aegis will ensure all employees are informed of accommodation policies.
- ETSM/Aegis will stay up to date with changes to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Accessible Emergency Information
ETSM/Aegis is committed to providing customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way, upon request. ETSM/Aegis will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary.
Refer to the Emergency Response for Persons with Disabilities Policy and Procedures for more information on accessible emergency information and procedures.
Refer to the Emergency Worksheet to determine the accommodation needs for the employee, which outlines what ETSM/Aegis and the employee has to do in case of an emergency.
An Employee Emergency Response Needs Assessment is completed by each employee on an annual basis.
Self Service Kiosks
ETSM/Aegis currently does not have a self-service kiosk. However, if ETSM/Aegis determines the need to purchase a self-service kiosk, we will take into consideration people with disabilities when purchasing the kiosks.
ETSM/Aegis will provide training to all new employees, volunteers and other staff members on Ontario’s accessibility laws and Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of employees, volunteers and other staff.
Design of Public Spaces
ETSM/Aegis will meet the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces. Public spaces include:
- Recreational trails/beach access routes
- Outdoor public eating areas like rest stops or picnic areas
- Outdoor play spaces, like playgrounds in provincial parks and local communities
- Outdoor path of travel, like sidewalks, ramps, stairs, curb ramps, rest areas and accessible pedestrian signals
- Accessible off street parking
- Service-related elements like service counters, fixed queuing lines and waiting areas.
ETSM/Aegis will put the following procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to its accessible parts of its public spaces.
- Similar to ETSM/Aegis’ Customer Service Disruption to Service, ETSM/Aegis’ will inform customers and employees of disruptions to their public spaces.
In the event of a service disruption, ETSM/Aegis’ will notify the public of the service disruption and alternatives available.
For More Information
For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact Christine Hayden, Administrative Vice President at 519-827-1500 Ext. 21 or at or in writing to 407 Silvercreek Pkwy. N. Guelph, ON N1H 8G8.
ETSM Technical Services and Aegis Custom Powder Coaters will provide, on request, information in an accessible format or with communication supports to people with disabilities, in a manner that takes into account their disability. Accessible formats of this document are available free upon request.