The ‘BEMAG Transformer Curing Oven’ was designed and manufactured by ETSM Technical Services Ltd. for use in the electrical distribution transformer industry. The complete curing oven is comprised of an oven enclosure, oven door, automatic cart tugger, oven cart, and machine controls.
Oven Door
The oven door is an insulated slab, cable driven and operated by a ‘Safedrive’ door operator. The door assembly is equipped with emergency brakes, for operator safety in the event of a cable failure. The door is provided with a brake at each of the bottom guide wheel assemblies.
Oven Cart
The oven cart is a welded steel frame on V-Groove wheels. A steel grating deck with drip tray is also provided. The oven cart stops outside the oven and under the crane enabling easy loading and unloading of transformer coils. The cart is mechanically driven by the oven cart tugger.
Oven Cart Tugger
The oven cart tugger is a welded construction, chain driven cart drive for automated loading and discharging of the oven cart into and out of the oven. All components are temperature rated for maximum life expectancy in the harsh oven environment.